Finding Appropriate Attire

Finding Appropriate Attire

  • 3 Tips For Helping Your Little Swimmer Overcome Fear Of The Water

    Swimming is great exercise and a perfect way to pass the time on a hot day, but not every child takes to the water naturally. For some kids, fear of the water hinders them from enjoying this fun summer pastime. And it's not just a question of missing out on the fun – if fear of the water is keeping your child from learning to swim, then they're less safe around the water than they should be.

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Finding Appropriate Attire

For years, I worked for a company that didn't care much about what I showed up in for work. I would wear really casual clothing, such as a tank top and a pair of cut off shorts. Unfortunately, once I got a better job, my new employer was less-than-enthused about my choice of duds. She explained that they were trying to make the customers feel comfortable and improve the store culture and asked that I wear more professional attire. I started shopping for items that would look neutral, and I was able to find some pieces that I looked great in. Check out this blog to learn more about finding appropriate attire.