Finding Appropriate Attire

Finding Appropriate Attire

  • Three Tips for Customizing a Pair of Jeans to Make Them Perfect for You

    If you have found a pair of denim jeans that you absolutely love, but they are not perfect for you, do not be afraid to buy them and have them customized to fit your personality perfectly. There are many things that can be done to jeans to make them the perfect pair of jeans for you. Use the guide below to learn a few ways that jeans can be customized to create a unique look that suits you.

  • 3 Ways To Extend The Life Of Your Winter Boots

    You may only wear your winter boots for a few weeks or months out of the year, but the frigid cold weather combined with wet snow and ice can do a lot of damage to your footwear in a short amount of time. You can experience shrinkage or warping of your boots or even cracks or holes in the protective lining due to poor care or extreme weather conditions. Here are 3 ways to extend the life of your winter boots so they can last for many seasons.

  • Get Custom T-Shirts Made Up For Your Youth Baseball Team

    When you coach a youth baseball team, you'll wear many hats beyond the ball cap you wear on the field. One of the responsibilities you'll have is entering the team in various tournaments in different cities and even in different states. When your team shows up at these events, you want everyone to look their best and look like a cohesive unit. Since the team won't be wearing its uniforms except during games, it's a good idea to have custom t shirts made up for the players.

  • Three Features To Be On The Lookout For In Active Wear

    If you are just launching into a more active lifestyle, then you need to know that the clothing you wear while exercising or participating in your favorite sport needs to do more than look good or highlight your body. They also need to function to keep you comfortable while you are working. Knowing how to get high-performing active wear is about more than looking for the latest trends in patterns or stitching.

  • Tips For Your First Pride Parade

    Whether you are marching as an active member of the community or simply as a supporter, Pride is an important event on the LGBT calendar. If this is your first Pride parade or march, you may be a little nervous. The media often shows participants in outlandish costumes, but this may not be your style – at least not the first year. Fortunately, the point of Pride is to embrace everyone for both their similarities and their differences, so there is no dress code.

  • About Me

    Finding Appropriate Attire

    For years, I worked for a company that didn't care much about what I showed up in for work. I would wear really casual clothing, such as a tank top and a pair of cut off shorts. Unfortunately, once I got a better job, my new employer was less-than-enthused about my choice of duds. She explained that they were trying to make the customers feel comfortable and improve the store culture and asked that I wear more professional attire. I started shopping for items that would look neutral, and I was able to find some pieces that I looked great in. Check out this blog to learn more about finding appropriate attire.